A debris-clogged gutter can cause a leaky roof or water damage to the interior or exterior of your home. Gutters are an integral piece of your home’s well being. They serve to control the flow of rainwater to protect your roof, walls, foundation and landscape. If neglected, experts say gutters can turn from a necessity to a nightmare. “If you let gutter cleaning go by the wayside, it can cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars,” says Jeff Lambert, a supervisor with The Gutter Man in Houston. “Gutters are a potential bomb above your head full of insects and critters, if you let them stay out of sight, out of mind,” Lambert added. You can judge how often to clean your gutters based on how often leaves in your area fall and the types of leaves, Lambert says. “It should be on everyone’s to-do list about every four months, depending on the tree climate,” he says. “In a high-yield environment, leaves fall all year-round. You can’t wait until the last leaf falls.”